Veracity for Class Maritime Portal
Vessels Overview
My applications > Fleet Status > Vessel Services > IHM > IHM Manager (IHMM) > Vessels Overview

Vessels overview” screen shows all the vessels that has an IHM Maintenance contract with DNV.

The total number of vessels in the account is written at the lower right corner. The vessels can be searched by name and IMO number.

“IHM Added” date shows the date of the data creation in IHMM or data migration to IHMM. “Last Update” date shows when a change to IHM is done latest.

Click on the vessel name or Edit IHM link in actions menu to see the IHM and make changes


       Edit IHM: Click on that link to see the IHM or to make changes.

       Document Archive: Documents attached to the vessel can be found in that link.

       Remove vessel: If a vessel doesn’t belong to the particular customer account anymore, it can be removed. If the vessel needs to be transferred to the new manager’s account, please inform DNV Support.


Add Vessel:  Only real vessels with a name or IMO number can be added to your account. IHM Manager is not connected to the customer’s Vessel list in Fleet Portal, therefore adding here more vessels will not influence the rest of the fleet portal.



See Also